Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Attention Shoppers - Common Sense Is Out Of Stock

Staff at a local Street Smarts Supermarket called police to remove a group of so-called 'hoodies' from the premises today in Rounder Bend, Yorkshire, UK. The store services a well-to-do area of the town and instigated a 'no hoods' policy after having trouble with gangs of hooded hooligans in the past. Said store manager Ruth Leslie, 34, "They were rude and ill mannered. Grabbing items off the shelves and running about the place. It was very upsetting."

Police officers arrived at the scene quickly and took the offenders into custody before appealing for witnesses. Regular customer Pat Ronnage, 68, was shocked to see police surrounding his local store. "I was shocked," he said, "I always come here and I've never seen such a ruckus."

The owner of the shop Des Pottic, 46, was furious and reached the store soon after the Police having been alerted to the trouble by Ruth Leslie and immediately demanded the arrest of the 'hoodies' vowing to "press charges and to punish them as far as the law would allow." Des Pottic continued, "I've had it up to here with these kinds of tear-aways. No longer will we tolerate this sort of anti-social behaviour. We have a clear no hoods policy with signs and everything that I made specially on my home computer and got laminated and everything. I am just about at the end of my tether!" He began to sob then. It was a little embarrassing. In the end this reporter was forced to slap him repeatedly with a packet of his own half price and slightly browning celery to calm him down.

The mothers of the hoodies concerned were apologetic but defiant. They said,"We realise that they were causing a problem and we understand that the store has a no hoods policy and the reasons for it. We can really see their point but to be honest the boys are only two and a half, they're not going to rob them. They only had their hoods up because it was cold."

A Police spokesman said during a press conference that the "Management had perhaps over-reacted," and that, "no charges would be brought against the boys."

Local MP Jude Ischous, 28, could not believe what happened. "It's political correctness and anti-discrimination gone mad."

The Gekko is inclined to agree; this is truly pathetic. It's ironic that in a store called Street Smarts you cant find any common sense.

by Nate Iffborne Local Interest Editor


Malnurtured Snay said...

THis isn't an actual story, is it? Over two year olds?

The Editor in Chief (it's weird what some parents will name their child) said...

It really is! I've put a Gekko spin on it but the basic facts are true. There's a link to actual story in text.
